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Text File  |  1994-02-27  |  4KB  |  96 lines

  1. ADAMS_RIB          Women ONLY! 
  2. APOLOGIA           Defend traditional Christianity
  3. APOSTLE            Christian book reviews
  4. ARMAGEDDON         End-time study
  5. ASK-A-MINISTER     Help from a professional
  6. BACKBONE           FamilyNet Backbone nodes only
  7. BAT_PROG           FamilyNet help with batch files
  8. BEREANS            Multi-domain Christian sysop chat
  9. BIBLE              Must have a reference from the Bible
  10. BIBLE_FOCUS        Bible Study from Australia
  11. BIBLE_NEWS         READ-ONLY news
  12. BIBLE_STUDY        FORMAL Bible Study
  13. BIOGENESIS         Study of beginnings
  14. CBBNEWS            Ads for Christian BBSs
  15. CCMRADIO           Contemporary Christian Music
  16. CCN_WORD           CCN Study of the Word
  17. CDN_FILES          Christian Distribution Network (CDN)
  18. CDN_POL            CDN Policy discussions
  19. CDN_SYSOP          CDN sysops ONLY
  20. CFC-NET            Computers For Christ SYSOPs ONLY
  21. CHRISTIAN_TEEN     General chatter for teens
  22. CHRIST_NET         Fellowship - moderator approval
  23. CHR_COLLEGE_CHAT   Christian College Students
  24. CITC_NET           Computers In The Church
  25. CJ_DEBAT           Christian-Jew debate
  26. COMMENT            Talk to Ray
  27. CULT_AWARENESS     Keep up about cults
  28. CULT_INFO          News about the cults
  29. CULT_WATCH         Discussions with the cults 
  30. C_ACTLINE          Christians in action
  31. C_SERVANT          Christian Ministers ONLY
  32. DEALS              FamilyNet for-sale 
  33. DIGBIBLE           Archeology for Bible
  34. DISCIPLE           Christian fellowship
  35. ECHOES             Find/start a conference
  36. EPILEPSY           Support for those afflicted
  37. EVANG_SS           Evangelical Sunday School Lessons
  38. FAITH              Christian Fellowship
  39. FAMILY             Keeping the family together
  40. FISHNET            Christian fellowship
  41. GRACENET           Christian fellowship
  42. HAMRADIO           CB radio's ancestor
  43. HISWITNESS         Christian Witnessing
  44. HOMELIFE           General discussions of Family
  45. HOME_SCHOOL        How-to and chat
  46. HOT_SEAT           G-rated debates
  47. IXTHUS             Christian Ethics
  48. JOBSEEK            Find / Offer a Job
  49. KAREN'S_KIDS_CLUBS Junior Pen Pals
  50. LAUGH              G-Rated jokes
  51. LA_FOR_SALE        FIDONET for sale
  52. LA_SYSOP           Louisiana Sysops ONLY
  53. LECTIONARY_CDN     the Lectionary series
  54. LOCAL              Other users of the BBS
  55. MARY_&_MARTHA      Womens Issues (no Males)
  56. MASTER             Christian fellowship
  57. MAVEN              READ ONLY study of Hebrew language
  58. MEDIA_WATCH        From "down under"
  59. MISSIONS           READ ONLY information on missionaries
  60. MORMONISM          About the LDS church
  61. NETWORK_MGRS       FamilyNet /0 's ONLY
  62. NETWORK_SYSOP      FamilyNet SYSOP - required
  63. NET_CHATTER        Talk to anyone anywhere!
  64. NET_FILES          Files available in FamilyNet
  65. NET_IBM            Tech help with your IBM/compatible
  66. NET_KIDS           Junior Pen Pals
  67. NET_MAILER         Tech help with mailer software
  68. NET_TEEN           Teen chatter
  69. NET_TREK           Trekkies converse
  70. NET_VIDEO          Reviews of books & movies
  71. OFF_TOPIC          When no other area fits!
  72. OK_CHRISTIAN       Are there Christians in Oklahoma?
  73. OLB                Online Bible Support 
  74. PLANET_CONNECT     For/About satellite downlinks
  75. PRAYER             Prayer Requests
  76. PRECINCT_01        Talk to a cop
  77. PRO_LIFE           Forum to protect babies
  78. PUNISHMENT         Puns and Jokes G-RATED!
  79. RC2RC              Roman Catholic chat
  80. REALBIBLE          Bible discussions
  81. R_200              Required of all downlinks here
  82. SACRED_MUSIC       Worship Leaders'/Music Forum
  83. SDN_CONF           SDN registered sites
  84. SHALOM             Messianic Jew fellowship
  85. SINGLES_REGISTER   Find a mate
  86. SOFT_REVIEW        Review of software
  87. SOU_STAR           Local Connection to Souvestre
  88. SYSOP_CHRISTIAN    Christian Sysops ONLY
  89. TANGINET           Local area announcements
  90. TANGI_OPEN_FORUM   Local area debate 
  91. TCS.ALLFIX         Support of the ALLFIX software
  92. THEO_LOGICAL       MJCN Bible discussions
  93. WITNESS            Witnessing for Christ
  94. WORLD              World news with Israel in view
  95. YMINISTERS         Youth and young ministers